February 11, 2009 7:23 am
Dowd is stuck with a mistaken metaphor -- it looks like the "savior based economy" is losing out to ethical populist outrage, not messianic posturing.
Obama is being mindful of the mandate given to him by millions of voters (PEOPLE) who sent him to Washington. Despite a few false starts he's now got his eye on the ball. It's up to us ethical populists to train Geithner (who should not have got the job) to also get it right, like the President who appointed him.
Now that the the Unites States has a Centrally Planned Economy (CPE), something that was widely disparaged in the Cold War era, we will all have the opportunity to see how a pragmatic variation of US-style Marxist-type Socialism works!
Of course the underlying point is that the US has ALWAYS been a CPE. How? Because the market fundamentalism of the US Federal Reserve and the IMF type is centrally planned. The free market economy is a carefully planned and articulated HYPE, bought by the mainstream media and the electorate.
Marx had the notion that the individual is important in any society, but the Soviets didn't get that part about the importance of the individual, consequently they really messed up.
"Change we can believe in" is proletarian populism.
What goes around comes around. Now both Wall Street and Main Street not to mention The White House and Congress are all clamoring for glasnost and perestroika.
How aptly ironic.
Chithra KarunaKaran
Ethical Democracy as Lived Practice
— EthicalDemocracy, New York, NY
Comment #272, NYT published 02/12/09
A version of the above, submitted in response to another NYTimes article(see credit below).
Kristof says that the US public has a "horror of nationalization." I want to unpack that statement.
Is the US a Centrally Planned Economy(CPE)? Yes it is. And Yes, it ALWAYS has been. How? Because the market fundamentalism of the US Federal Reserve and the IMF type is centrally planned and implemented globally.
The US concept of the so-called "free market economy" coupled with its militaristic geopolitical strategy, is a carefully planned and articulated HYPE, a brand if you will, (no conspiracy theory needed here), bought by the mainstream media and sold to the US electorate. Voters like you and me who are now lashing back, with ethical populist outrage, at free market excesses like over the top executive compensation,
Marx, a flawed economist always had the notion that the individual is important in any society, but the Soviets didn't get that part about the importance of the individual, consequently they really messed up.
"Change we can believe in" is now proletarian populism. That way Kristof can avoid using the new "N" word.
What goes around comes around. Both Wall Street and Main Street, not to mention The White House and Congress, are all clamoring for glasnost and perestroika.
How aptly ironic.
Chithra Karunakaran
Ethical Democracy As Lived Practice
— EthicalDemocracy, New York, NY
Trillion Dollar Baby BY Maureen Dowd
New York Times copyright
Escaping the Bust Bowl by Nicholas Kristof
New York Times copyright