May 21st, 2009 8:49 am
The Psychology, Sociology, Political Economy of Pandemic Rape
What does it take to construct an Ethical Self?
We need more critical analyses (based on actual research) of the construction of Liberian masculinity during the war and postwar years.
I regret to note that in every nation-state including and perhaps especially the US, the psychology and sociology of of instances of inhumanity within our species, goes largely unresearched.
It is easy for our governments to toss around words like terror, horror,torture, atrocity, genocide, pandemic rape -- then continue to under-serve and even exploit victims and generally fail to examine the psychological, sociological, economic and political underpinnings of such deviant pathological behavior.
Thanks Mr. Kristof for narrating the story of Jackie, an innocent and an survivor.
Chithra Karunakaran
City University of New York (CUNY)
Ethical Democracy As Lived Practice
NYTimes copyright
Op-Ed Columnist: After Wars, Mass Rapes Persist
Published: May 20, 2009
Jackie, a 7-year-old Liberian girl who is recovering from being raped, jumps rope at a shelter for girls in Monrovia.